Eyesign… Only in Pigeon Racing

Pigeon EyesignAt 57 years of age, I have been very fortunate in my life to be successfully involved in various competitive sports – HUMAN AND ANIMAL.  Only in the pigeon sport have I ever heard of evaluating athletes by “EYE SIGN”.  I have never witnessed nor heard of coaches, owners, general mangers or parents looking into the eyes of their players, young children or livestock with a “jeweler’s loupe” to see if they were going to be a good performer, top breeder, sprinter, long distance athlete, etc.

I have owned, raced and bred horses.  I have gone to several top sales and auctions, and I have never heard or witnessed an eye sign theory to select racing or breeding stock in horses.

The same applies in dog racing, fighting chickens, dog fighting or other types of animal competition that is legal or illegal.  Nobody has any theories or evaluation procedures with eye sign.  WHY? Because they would be laughed out of the sport for such a theory.  It is ridiculous for those sports or competitions, and it is just as silly to believe they can be used in the pigeon sport to help with success.

I read advertisements about eye sign specialists, racing eyes, sprinting eyes, distance eyes, eye sign pairing and mating, graders, teachers and scientific research about eye sign. Only in the pigeon sport do some fanciers believe and practice these methods.  Of course, there are other methods we also use in the pigeon sport for evaluation and culling that many have faith in, such as wing formation, strong or weak back, soft or hard muscle, throat configuration, color of toe nails, short or long keel, and maybe 20 more physical characteristics that are used as methods of selecting breeding or flying stock.

In all of these theories never do I hear mention the one major requirement necessary for the racing pigeon to be successful:  The ability to find his way home, “HOMING ABILITY”.  The intelligence and navigation skills to be 100-600 miles from home and race and navigate to return home to his loft the same day.  Without this ability to home and navigate, all the other qualities mean nothing.  Yet the graders, teachers, master breeders, specialists, etc. never seem to be concerned about this one aspect of our sport.

Can they grade intelligence, heart, determination, motivation or desire just by handling a bird, opening his wing, looking at the throat or looking into the eyes?  PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK!  YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS AND REALLY BELIEVE THIS IS POSSIBLE!  To spend your money and time applying these methods to achieve success is foolish.

Like I said before, only in the pigeon sport do these experts exist (self proclaimed experts). WHY? Because we in the sport look for any short cut to success.  There is none.  The only way to be successful in this sport is the old fashioned way, to work for it, and earn it.

The sad thing about these so called experts graders and eye sign experts is that I truly believe they think they have the ability to select birds by their methods.

Only in the pigeon sport can they find individuals gullible and naive enough to listen and sometimes practice their methods.  No other sport or competition would consider such theories with a straight face.

We talk about our sport being on the decline, and there are many reasons for it.  What a shame if a new flyer gets involved with one of our eye sign experts, and spends his time and money on their methods.  After a few years, if he stays that long, with little or no positive results, we lose another potential fancier and maybe a few of his friends.

Yes, I am being hard on these individuals because I TRULY BELIEVE THEY ARE HURTING OUR SPORT for some small financial gain or a personal ego trip, or both.

As I have said in many other articles, you have the best graders in the world, the training basket and race day.  By training and racing your birds you will be evaluating yourself as well as evaluating and culling your birds.

You as a trainer may need some improvement in different aspects of the sport:  feeding, training, medication, trapping and loft management.  It is hard for us to accept the blame for poor results or heavy loses.  We much rather blame the birds, the weather, the transport company, or some other area, but not our own abilities or methods.

To select breeders and flyers is a very simple procedure.  PERFORMANCE should be your only criteria. Does the bird come from a winning family, generation after generation of excellent race results?  If the answer is yes, then the bird is worth taking a chance on in the breeding or flying loft.

Performance means the type of results necessary to compete in your area:  speeds, distances, weather and land conditions.  If the bird’s family has shown that it can be competitive, that is all you need to know. Forget about his eyes, wings, back, muscles, throat or keel.

Occasionally I will go to a auction, especially if it is sponsored by an excellent flyer and offers birds with race records.  I see these domestic birds, some with multiple diplomas, sell for much less then birds with foreign bands and no race results.  The excuses are that he is to long, has no chest, has a weak back, has no breeding eye, etc.  FORGET THOSE THEORIES!  The bird has already proven itself in race competition with multiple diplomas.  He has the ability, and he has already proven it.  You would have no problem taking a chance on breeding this bird with another performance bird with the same ability.

“SAME ABILITY” means proper breeding:  speed to speed and distance to distance.   If the bird has multiple diplomas at various speeds and distances that is even better.  You really should not care about eye sign, or how the bird handles.

The sport is changing everyday.  New ideas and theories are advertised, sold and practiced.  However, the basic principle still applies:  no homing ability and navigating skills, no positive results.  You cannot find these abilities by looking into the eyes.  Regular training and racing and selecting breeding and flying stock for performance results and bloodlines is the only path to success.

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Article Written by: Bob Prisco

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140 thoughts on “Eyesign… Only in Pigeon Racing

  1. This subject need more research and time……
    I believe this Eye will be very effective one Day……….

  2. Dink Fair has used the eye sign on Gamefowl for over 35 years that I know and he is one of the best breeders in the world.I don’t understand it,but there are a few people that see something we don’t.

  3. If a pigeon has blood shot eyes I won’t enter it into a race as I know from experience that he’s been out drinking all night long and won’t be good for anything the next day. If the bird is all white eyed on me I won’t enter that individual either as I know he is too scared or tired to take to the air in fear of a hawk or arduous flying and will most likely l seek out some leafy tree to hide in. If his eyes are green I will take him to a psychiatrist to attempt to get the devil out of him. And if they are blue I will make him my foundation breeder. Pigeons with blue eyes can see right through you..

  4. Let people breed the way they want, if anyone use eye sign to breed and it works for them let them breed that way. Every pigeon fancier has a right to his or her opinion. a Pigeons can have the the mind to come home and best homing ability, but without the supporting attributes like body, wing, health ext. will that pigeon never ever win a race.

    Keep in mind that a pigeon must be a perfect package. If you breed them to race good, why not breed them to look good to. It is a personal thing i believe!

    Happy breeding and good luck to all out there.


    Nardus Volschenk

  5. Great article Bob i got caught up in this eye sign rubbish some years ago.It wasn’t until i spoke to Dr. Wim Boddaert, a Belgian veterinarian,known across the globe as an expert on racing pigeons.He put me on the right track regarding this eye sign theory. I should have paid more attention to the respiratory function, which must be impeccable.

  6. Quite right. It is stupid, unnecessary ‘theories’ like these that are complicating the sport for the would be fanciers. This is what keeps people from getting involved in, what really is a fairly simple and fun sport.Use the K .I .S. S . principle in your loft……Keep It Simple ..Stupid ! And have fun.

  7. I think that this really makes sense. All those theories eyes, wings etc etc. the only thing that counts is VERY GOOD pigeons, nothing else matter. Mate BEST with the Best and some good offsprings will be result, but bad with bad nothing can be achieved. Thanks and well done for your informative articles.

    Regards and best in sport.

  8. I do not use eyesign as portrayed by the theorists, some of it being utter nonsense, however, I cannot dismiss it altogether, either. When I check my champions after the fact, I find certain qualities in their eyes that are totally absent from the average pigeon. Nuff said.

    1. I was searching for the best reply, and yours was what I could agree with most. My dad always said that handling winners is the best way to learn what to look for when selecting racebirds, and handling their parents the same for learning how to mate and select stock.

  9. Exactly my sentiments. I have given eye sign fans every opportunity for over 10 years now to show me (checked with race results) that they can pick out the bird with the better sporting qualities on hand of good eye pictures and every single one of them has failed miserably to date.

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