Dr. Rob Marshall

Dr. Rob Marshall

Dr. Rob Marshall is a bird veterinarian with more than 25 years experience in treating birds. He has kept birds since the age of eight. The age he decided to become a bird veterinarian.

Since 1975, Dr. Marshall has been attending to birds as a veterinarian. In 1988, he received his M.A.C.V.Sc. degree in Avian Medicine. He is author of many books and videos and is regularly presents scientific papers at national and international veterinary conferences. His last presentation can be viewed in the budgerigar section. His last books are: “Eclectus Parrots as Pet and Aviary Birds” (ISBN 0-9750817-0-5), which was published in 2004 by Australian Birdkeeper Publications and Canary Health published in 2006 in USA. His latest book “The Budgerigar” is 430 pages long with more than 1500 colour photographs and has taken more than 13 years to write:

In 1988, Dr Marshall started developing and refining a range of health products and medicines specifically for the racing pigeon. By 1995, a superlative range of bird medicines and health products had been perfected. It is well known that these are the very best and most advanced products available for birds, catering for the bird owner who follows the motto of “when only the best will do”.

Dr. Rob Marshall has a passionate interest in wild ecology and biology and was included as a veterinary consultant for the Northern Territory recovery programme of the endangered Gouldian Finch. He has recently completed a ten year long study of the biology and breeding behaviour of the wild budgerigar which is detailed in “The Budgerigar” book. Research into the nutritional requirements and breeding behaviour of the Australian Eclectus has also been completed recently. Present research projects include the breeding of old pure families of chicken breeds for the restaurant trade who will be evaluating their inherent flavours and in collaboration with bird trainer Tailai O’brien explore new methods for treating behavioural problems in pet birds.

Articles by Dr. Rob Marshall

Dr. Rob Marshall | Birdhealth.com.au

The Leading Online Pigeon Racing and Racing Pigeons Magazine – The Pigeon Insider

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5 thoughts on “Dr. Rob Marshall

  1. Dear Rob Marshall I do hope you can help me I am an animal welfare carer who struggles to support my passion to help animals. I live out in the country in Adelaide. I have had a rescued Galah which suffers from Thrush of ther mouth. He has had the Nistal along with multivitamins and applecider vinegar along with probiotics and for lengths of time yet as soon as he is taken off medication it soon reappears …is there any suggestion you may have for the little feller please…….sincerely Kristin

  2. doc im familiar w/ some medicine like amoxicilin, erytromycin, & others but my problem sometimes is the dosages that available here is for people i mean sometimes 250 mg. or 500 mg.or 500mg. per5 ml. how i use it for my pigeons, how can i get a proper dosages in liquid or in grams in 1 liter or 1 galoon of water,…thank for your very informative site,… your avid fallower,..jay from the phillipines.

  3. doc. im 1 of your million fallower about pigeon health and im very much impressed & and also thankful for your very helpful way of teaching pigeon lovers around the world, your very popular in my country and i think even in other country 2,,… doc once again thank you & more power,,….

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