Racing Pigeons on The Natural System

Racing Pigeons on The Natural System The Natural System is a pigeon racing system that uses both cocks and hens racing from a natural nest position. It requires one section for old birds as hens and cocks do not need…

PETA at it Again – Investigation Exposes Pigeon-Racing Cruelty

  In April 2012, PETA released a 15-month undercover investigation—spanning five states—into some of the largest pigeon-racing operations in the U.S. PETA documented massive casualties of birds during races and training, discovered rampant killing of unwanted birds and abusive training…

Quarantine Late Birds

What is a late bird?   A late bid is any bird that has been out for more days that race time. An unfortunate but necessary assumption is that birds that fly long distance will occasionally be out a night…

When the race is over, After the Return.

  “The first thing I’m going to do when I get home is…” You prepare for the next race while this week’s race is in progress. Heh, wait a minute!!! Shouldn’t we take things one race and one week at…

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