Rearing Youngsters Correctly

Rearing Youngsters Correctly The novice must realize at the outset that young racing pigeons which do not leave the nest properly reared are a waste of time and effort. There is a lot of truth in the old saying that…

Health in the Loft; Your’s, Not the Pigeons.

Health in the Loft; Your’s, Not the Pigeons. The subject of this article is your health and how to keep it. You will hear the condition of interest called many things including Pigeon Fanciers’ Lung (PFL), Pigeon Breeders’ Lung (PBL),…

Garlic; Some Facts for the Fancier

Garlic; Facts For the Fancier Garlic, whose scientific name is Allium sativum, is a common plant, used worldwide for food. Since ancient times, garlic has been used for a variety of human ailments and problems, and even magical properties to…


Electrolytes? Yes sir! Fanciers often ask me ‘what are electrolytes?’ Are they really useful and when  should I give them to the birds? Since it seems to intrigue so many I will give a short explanation but will not go…

Pigeon Medical Formulary

The following medical formulary was compiled and is recommended for use by the Association of Avian Veterinarians, General Considerations Purpose: The purpose of this formulary is to provide a concise, accurate description and proper dosage of the common drugs used…

Garlic and Racing Pigeons

Garlic and Racing Pigeons Now what about the use of garlic in racing pigeons? It is a popular, widely used product, but solid, scientific information on its effects in pigeons seems to be scarce. Everything from cloves of garlic to…

Famous Pigeons

G. I. Joe G.I Joe is one of the most famous pigeons in history, most noted for saving a thousand soldiers during WWII. During the month of October 1943, British troops were trying to advance on the German held Italian…

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