*Please Note* All products listed on this page are digital download not physical products.
Pigeon Racing Formula
With the Pigeon Racing Formula you will discover the champions secret winning formula that will have your birds flying faster, shave valuable minutes off their time, make your loft and training more effective but most importantly help you to win races.
The Pigeon Racing Formula will help you mimic the Ace fanciers and champion lofts and get the same winning results that they do year after year. > > Learn more
Click here to learn more about The Pigeon Racing Formula
Pigeon Racing Nutrition Secrets Exposed
Pigeon Racing Nutrition Secrets Exposed shows you the feeding and nutrition secrets that will get your birds flying at warp speed. It also shows you how powerful proper feeding and nutrition is to your racing pigeons and the nutritional secrets that will have them flying at lightining speed.
It doesn’t matter if you have the best, most expensive pigeons in the world, if your birds aren’t properly fueled they will never fly at their peak physical performance. Learn the Winning Secrets of Veteran Pigeon Trainers and Tap Into Your Flight’s Full Potential > > Learn more
Click here to learn more about Pigeon Racing Nutrition Secrets Exposed
Champion Pigeon Breeding Revealed
The only way to attain real longevity in the sport of pigeon racing is to breed your own champions.By mastering the practice of breeding, you’ll have the ability to control quality, quantity, and most importantly, performance. Whether you want to establish a solid reputation as a top breeder or you are looking to sell your pigeons and generate huge profits, you need to know all the facts.
Champion Pigeon Breeding Revealed takes you through a straightforward, outlined explanation of everything you need to launch your winning team. No more guessing or trial and error. Just powerful methods that are designed to unleash the champions in your lines and set them on a course to non-stop success! > > Learn more
Click here to learn more about Champion Pigeon Breeding Revealed
Winning Pigeon Training and Racing Systems
This Comprehensive Guide Uncovers All the Techniques Behind the Most Successful Pigeon Training and Racing Systems”
Winning Pigeon Training and Racing Systems Revealed explains all the major racing systems. like Widowhood, Double Widowhood, Natural System, Jealousy and Darkening and shows you weekly preparation activities and strategies. You will know exactly how to prepare and train your birds like the champions.
You will also learn young and old bird systems and teaches you proven motivation techniques and strategies to make your birds fly home faster. > > Learn more
Click Here to Learn More About Winning Pigeon Training and Racing Systems
Pigeon Racing Blueprint
No matter if you’re racing pigeons a hundred or five hundred miles, there are essential tactics you need to ensure that your birds win. For a long time, these techniques have been hidden away by the winning fanciers. They hide them because they don’t want you to win, they’re afraid if you knew the tricks that you would beat them every time.
The Pigeon Racing Blueprint is designed to help you get the very best from your racing pigeons in each and every race. Becoming a Champion Pigeon Fancier Is now Within Your Reach with the Pigeon Racing Blueprint. These are the untold racing strategies that the winners never wanted you to know… these are the secrets that long-winning champion pigeon racers have been keeping to themselves. You want a level playing field, and learning the tricks winning fanciers has never been easier. >> Learn More
Click Here to Learn More about The Pigeon Racing Blueprint
Cracking The Race Sheets
Cracking the Race Sheets shows you the insider secret’s that the champion’s use time and time again to consistently dominate the race sheets. Cracking the Race Sheet’s is an in-depth question and answer session with 9 of the most decorated and winning champion fanciers of our time. We put them under the microscope and persuaded them to reveal to you their own pigeon racing formulas on how they became so successful in this sport.
All together these champion racers have won nearly every single major pigeon race and event in existence and have bred some of the most sought after bird’s on the planet and Carcking the Race Sheet’s gives you an over-the-shoulder look at how they do it.
They actually give us the blueprint to their success and reveal their winning strategies. Cracking the Race Sheets is a must for any serious fancier and is truly one of the most powerful resources a fancier can arm themselves with. >> Click here to learn more
Champion Record Keeping Templates
What is the ONE thing that ALL champion fanciers have in common?…
…They All Keep Good Records!
Record keeping allows you to consistently better your birds and race teams performance.
With proper record keeping it allows a fancier the ability to look back at all of your bird’s past training, racing and breeding performances and see which bird’s performed the best and which didn’t.
Here are 8 Proven Record keeping templates that are essential for any fancier and easy to use and are the same exact record keeping templates the champions use to document their bird’s performance. This is everything you need to keep world class records of all your bird’s!. >> Click Here to Learn More
The Pigeonary: Dictionary for the Pigeon Fancier

Wining Health Blueprint

“My pigeons became healthier, happier, more active and FASTER after using this proven health blueprint in my own loft”
Health is THE most important ingredient to becoming a successful and winning pigeon fancier HANDS DOWN!
An unhealthy bird will NEVER be successful and the same goes for fanciers who don’t keep health a top priority in their loft. So if you want to win more races then you NEED to focus on health! and the Winning Health Blueprint is the exact blueprint to help you do that. Click Here to Learn More!