Creating “Sports” When Breeding Racing Pigeons

Creating “Sports” When Breeding Racing Pigeons Overview I use the term “Sports” because it was a term used by M.H. “Dad” Paget in his book Intensive Line-breeding. In his term of sports it was used to define products of successful…

Are Mobile Phone Towers Pigeon Killers?

Hundreds of disappearing racing pigeons have many fanciers pointing the finger at mobile phone towers, which are becoming more and more common across the country. Could the electro-magnetic radiation emitted by these towers be affecting the birds homing ability? Or…

Evaluating Breeders

Evaluating Breeders By Domanski Family Lofts It’s easy to evaluate racers, they either, win, diploma, score in the points, are also ran’s or get lost.   Breeders are an entirely different matter, In order to properly evaluate them, you have to…

Where to Find Good Stock Birds

Where to Find Good Stock Birds Most new fanciers breed from their race team. It is an economical approach and reduces the number of birds one must own in order to race pigeons. Eventually, either an excellent pigeon distinguished himself…

6 Must’s For Selecting Breeders

6 Must’s For Selecting Breeders Recently we have been discussing breeding and in particular we have been discussing some very important things you should be looking at when selecting your breeders. In the last article we went over three of the…

Breeding Racing Pigeons: Methods of selecting breeders

Breeding Racing Pigeons: Methods of selecting breeders Genetics are not covered in this section.     Entire volumes of scientific information is available on the subject of genetics.    One can easily get lost.    What most pigeon fanciers want to know is; how…

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