Tricks for Pigeon Foster Parenting

  Trick 1: If you have a pair where the hen has stopped laying eggs due to any kind of reason, know that you can use this pair as foster parents. A pair which has been trying to get some…

The Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar Real apple cider vinegar is a natural substance, but only if from a bio farm. It strengthens the immune system, as it is an excellent source of trace and micro elements. However, this is…

10 Mistakes of Non-Champions

10 MISTAKES OF THE NON-CHAMPIONS by Ad Schaerlaeckens Many champions share the same ideas and fanciers that will never be champions are also of a type. The reason why they will never be champions is not the fact that they…

Introduction to the World of Racing Homers

Introduction to the World of Racing Homers You must also remember that this is just an introductory booklet. There are thousands of pigeon fanciers in our world. There are thousands of ways of handling and raising pigeons. This booklet is…

Varieties of Pigeons

Varieties of Pigeons There are very many varieties of pigeons. There are Show Pigeons, Rollers, and Racing Homers. Most show pigeons are not let outside to fly. This group includes pigeons such as Fantails, Runts and Pouters. Rollers can be…

The Fundamentals of Pigeon Racing

Ever since becoming interested in pigeon racing I have had the pleasure of talking with and interviewing dozens of champion pigeon fanciers and I have noticed that they all pretty much have one thing in common, and that thing is that they…

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