Thoughts on Moult Part2

Thoughts on Moult Part2 In the previous article (Thoughts on Moult Part1) I expressed my doubts on many additives that help pigeons through the moult. But do you know in which I believe a bit so far? Sedochol! A firm,…

Thoughts on Moult Part1

Thoughts on Moult Part1 Honestly speaking I do not feel like writing this article at all. It is about the moult and it is all so useless and unimportant. I do not mean the moult, but what I have to…

Ad Schaerlaeckens

Ad Schaerlaeckens Ad Schaerlaeckens is known as one of the best pigeon fanciers, authors and pigeon sport advocates of all time. He is world renowned by the pigeon community and has numerous accomplishments in the pigeon sport. In 1995 when…

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