Paramyxovirus Basics

Paramyxovirus Basics

Paramyxovirus in racing pigeonsPigeon flyers around the world have all heard of paramyxovirus or PMV. This is a viral disease that is not to be confused with the bacterial disease paratyphiod caused by Salmonella typhimurium. PMV is caused by one of the serotypes of PMV1 viruses which happens to be closely related to another PMV1 virus that causes Newcasle Disease. We will mention this again when it comes to vaccination. PMV first started in the late 1970’s in the middle east and has since been found everywhere that pigeons are raised.

The virus is not very tough and dies quickly in the environment. Once a bird is infected it will shed the virus in the droppings and other secretions for three weeks. Between exposure and clinical signs, however, can vary immensely, from a few days to several weeks. This can be a big problem in futurity lofts when YB’s are shipped that are shipped that are infected and shedding the virus, yet are not showing clinical signs. They can have an entire loft exposed before you ever know you have a problem.

Clinical signs are primarily related to two organ systems. The kidney and the nervous system. This virus ALWAYS causes an inflammation of the kidney called interstitial nephritis. When this occurs the white portion of the droppings changes to water and you often find puddles of water on the perches. Within that puddle will be NORMAL fecal material in the form of green or brown “worms”. This is NOT a true diarrhea since the fecal material from the intestine is normal. Since the kidney changes are uniform in the flock of infected pigeons, the kidney is the organ of choice to send to the lab for diagnosis. The changes in the kidney seen under the microscope, when coupled with clinical signs, provide you with a pretty sure diagnosis. These watery droppings can persist for 2 to 3 months after infection in a flock of pigeons. The second organ system involved is the nervous system. The two main signs we see are nerve paralysis shown as a lameness or dropped wing, or torticollis ( twisted necks). When this disease 1st hit the scene the neurological signs were very prevalent. Recently, however, these symptoms only seem to show up in 10 to 20% of the birds at the most. Most pigeons with the neurological signs will recover if they can eat and drink. Therefore, if you have neglected vaccination and you get this bug in your loft you don’t have to destroy good pigeons. Just make sure they eat and drink and you will have the vast majority come back to normal, even to race again.

Vaccination for this disease is critical since there are only two types of unvaccinated pigeons, those that have the disease and those that are going to get it sometime. You may have been lucky so far but you will not be forever. By far and away the only PROVEN method of vaccination is to use the injectable pigeon PMV vaccine. There is on made in the States by Maine Biological Labs and several in Europe. Unfortunately, a lot has been said about the use of the chicken “LaSota” vaccine available in the U.S. and Canada. This is NOT a pigeon virus, and is made to inoculate chickens against Newcastle disease which we mentioned earlier. It has been variously promoted to be dripped in the eyes, the nose, or placed in the drinking water. This vaccine will in no way harm your birds, but EVERY study has shown it to be ineffective. I personally have had several lofts in the states send in PMV infected birds that were inoculated with the “LaSota” vaccine and yet still had the disease. The injectable vaccine has also been incriminated by some excellent flyers as harming performance. My experience with the injectable vaccine in my loft and many other ALL-AMERICAN lofts is that it does NOT HURT PERFORMANCE. In short, if you use the “LaSota” type vaccine and your birds get sick, it is your fault, you have been warned. In fairness to the “LaSota” vaccine, many flyers use it as an immune stimulant in the water before a big race with excellent results. I personally have not had experience in that area, I have never used it to know.

Treatment for PMV is only symptomatic. NO drugs that you can give the pigeon will kill the virus ( without killing the bird). Simply do the following:
Make sure infected birds eat and drink Make sure that other diseases are not present, cocci, worms, canker, ect. If 2nd infections like E. coli show up, treat with the appropriate antibiotic base on cultures at the vet.

So, in short, what does the pigeon flyer need to know about PMV.

It is out there and vaccination with the injectable vaccine is critical. Symptoms primarily are watery droppings and neurological signs. Infected birds usually survive with supportive care.

Remember, PMV is a terrible and devastating disease for the pigeon fancier to deal with. But, there is NO reason to ever have to deal with it because of an effective vaccine.

Paramyxovirus Virus Basics By Dr. Steve Weir DMV

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45 thoughts on “Paramyxovirus Basics

  1. Thanks for the paramyxovirus article,will it be harmfull to use the vacine 3 or 4
    times a season.Paramyxo is a scary lot,rather safe than sorry.

    Phillip.(Old Grizzle)

  2. Good heads up Chris,many people still don’t give the shot and it’s an easy thing to do.In your video liberary there is a discription to give the shot in the leg, thats how i do it with no problems.It should be manditory to give our birds both shots as well as the pox vaccine.If all our birds are healthy, then we can all relax and just race pigeons.


  3. Craig in response to if you have pmv or not. Our race club has never had problems with it till this fall when many of us got it. pmv and paratyphoid will resemble one another. I have dealt with both. I supect you are dealing with paratyphoid as this disease causes more deaths, you may also get boils or lumps on wings and joints. I would treat with baytril for 14 days as this will remove the carier state of this disease from your birds. Beware it is expensive and requires a vets prescription here in the states.
    Pmv on the other hand meds will not help, give lots of rest, the birds will drink excesivly, do not deny them water, feed consumption will decline, vacinate as soon as posible to stop the spread. A bird can carry this virus for up to 4 weeks before showing symptoms. Patience is the key to this one birds may spontaneosly recover after 14 weeks. Some bird droppings that where loose may never recover, but I have heard of birds that after recovering have gone on to win 600 mile races. The recovered birds will hav the antibodies to resist this virus a second time. Best advise is to vacinate, needs to be done anually as prescribed.

    1. George,
      Thanks so much for your response. I will try Baytril as you recommend. In your last statement you say your “best advise is to vacinate”. Can you recommend what you vacinate with.

      [email protected]

    1. Hi Devasena,

      i need to know where can i get this vaccines for my pigeons..
      I suppose my pigeons are infected with PMV-1 viruses, if u have any kind of remedies known, then please reply me as soon as possible.


      drunk lots of water earlier with green watery droppings,now its not eating anything,looks like depressed, muzzle problems with neck(neck twisting).

      Advice me if i can use any kind of vaccines or any medication given through water.

      Please do reply to me…

      Thanks In Advance..

  4. Thanks for the article on Paramyxovirus. For the past fews weeks I’ve had birds die unexpectedly, horriblbe droppings, and 1 bird who sits on the floor of the loft with his head turned completely around like Linda Blair in the Exorcist! I have tried every remedy to solve this problem. Does this sound like Paramyxovirus? Can you help me with a solution?

  5. I really enjoy reading about pigeons.I don’t know how you have the time to do this,but i am glad you do.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.We need more like you.

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