John Glemser’s Young Bird Tips

John Glemser’s Young Bird Tips John puts the lights on 24 hours a day, in the breeding lofts. He does this until May 1, and then the lights are turned off. “That is my first hatch only.” They are loft…

Pigeon Training and Nutrition Part 1

Pigeon Training and Nutrition Part 1 If you want to run the marathon, you will have to train, otherwise you will not arrive at the finish line in time. This we can all understand and accept. To develop this ability,…

Beyond the Hype; Identify the Truth Part 2

Beyond the Hype; Identify the Truth Part 2 In part 1 of “Beyond the Hype; Identify the truth” we discussed 7 qualities that all champion fanciers have in common and how easy it is for new and experienced fanciers to…

Beyond the Hype; Identify the Truth

Beyond the Hype; Identify the Truth Top performance lofts and their great results are displayed throughout the various racing publications around the world.  These fanciers have become famous for their outstanding race achievements as both young bird and old bird…

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