What Do You Think is The Current State of Pigeon Racing?

This weeks discussion of the week is…

What do you think the current state of pigeon racing is?

For example do you think pigeon racing is growing or dying and why, express your views and share with others your opinions on the current state of pigeon racing by placing your vote in the poll below then posting a comment in the comment section below this post.

What do you think is the current state of pigeon racing and pigeon keeping?

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644 thoughts on “What Do You Think is The Current State of Pigeon Racing?

  1. In our area, the sport is dying as the old flyers are dying, the cost of flying keeps rising with feed costs, shipping costs, and training costs, and there are no “young” flyers coming up in the ranks. Where once there were numerous clubs within driving distance now one needs to search for a club. The sport is alive in major metropolitan areas but dying away in rural americal where once so many could enjoy.

  2. Hi.
    I think Pigeon Racing has become a rich mans sport. The concern I have is that China is rapidly draining Belgium and Holland of their best pigeons.Their is no limit to what they are prepared to pay for birds,and I dont blame the fanciers for selling at these huge prices.It has become big business.In a year or two all the best birds in the word will only be found in China,then the Chinees will sell back to Europe at twise the price.

  3. Pigeon Racing seems to be in decline in every part of the developed world, why? The reasons are varied,many of the earlier submissions are accurate, Here in Ireland, pigeon racing is a very popular sport, but also very costly, club membership fee’s, feed, and medication, plus the cost of training, then there is the time given up to maintaining the flock, ie feeding and scraping the loft.Competition is very high in the south road federation and the most successful loft’s are run under partnerships.There is no league for young fanciers or novice’s, they must compete with the older established flier’s who are in affect professionals,many soon become disheartened and leave the sport. The homing union needs to address these issues and become more proactive in promoting the sport,School lectures, on the science and history of pigeon racing might spark an interest with young people, in earlier times there were more fanciers with small backyard lofts who flew pigeons for pleasure, they fed their pigeons mostly on plain corn and didn’t vaccinate or medicate,many of the legendary names, achieved their success in these times.

  4. hey, every one, i think is getting bigger from what i’ve seen in clocking website, there are 58 clubs are registered who love race pigeons in the Luzon only, don’t in the visayas and mindanao area. for if you are really love pigeons you don’t have to spend more money, just keep birds which are really goods and you don’t have too many as it will costly you from feeds, vitamins,vaccines etc… racing pigeons is a sports for animal lovers like other animal clubs. for me i’m just only a year old member of the club but from my childhood i really love pigeons wherein we get into street racing without using any technologies but after my college i stop my hobby but for more than 20 years i got back to my hobbies but with a different environment of race pigeons. Now a days it is bloodines, feeding system, vitamins, trainings and loft management but it didin’t cost me lot because i only keep pigeons with a good records and race only around 4-6 pigeons every race so i can manage my loft and resources. im just an ordinary employee working in company but still manage to race pigeons. racing is not about for rich people but i know it is also for middle class people. my suggestion is lets gave information to all clubs in the world and have one mission and vision for racing pigeons. Also help the small clubs in propers way of handling races so cheating can be avoid during race. Only big loft club members are using microchips and the small one are using only via SMS ( we don’t know if there’s a cheating co’z only one website have an access and also the officers of the club ) pardon me if anyone would reacted on my comments.

  5. Here in Holland you see over the years more and more fanciers quite this magnificent hobby. I can imagine why. It takes a lot of your free time. Only the guys and their families who really want it keep their birds. It requires a neat way of planning, holidays, weekend etc. On the other hand focus on particular flights not a whole long season.
    Myself I started after 25 years again having birds as a boy. Our family love the birds and we have no restriction for holidays. My loft is not so much crowed so the time I need to spent is controllable. If you cann’t do it with 20 birds it won’t happen with 100!

  6. I think the sport is pricing itself out of the market, it is not anything like it was when I started, about 50 years ago, we flew a few pigeons, didnt need to send 50 or 60 birds each week, we got pigeons for nothing, from older more experianced flyers. Its all money today, and the commitment involved in keeping a large team is too much for the youth of today. I talk about the UK here, cant speak for other countries of course.

  7. I think that this sport is more & more becoming a hobby for the richer people, it’s a bit difficult for beginners in the sport to try racing pigeons. However this is a very wonderful hobby. Every person have a buget limit that should not be overdue, thus the sport would not become an extra burden instead of a pleasure.

  8. Hai,Fanciers;
    There is no importance for pigeon race.because prize amount is very less.feeding cost is high day by day.There is no special medicine for racing we must import from other country.No vetenerian for pigeon.No one to encourage this hobby,no one will tell the secret of racing&training ,breeding.Lots of lieing.

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