Old Timer Water Secret For Your Racing Pigeons Many top lofts use grape juice to help improve their racing pigeon’s race performance and overall condition. Before a race use it Tuesday and Wednesday and after a hard race on return day and the next day. Mix one whole can per one gallon of water. I’ve seen many top lofts around the country use grape juice to help give their birds an edge on race day and to reduce their recovery time after a hard race. Truly an old time secret!
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I see Lavender hill lofts is always giving advice on how to win races. Why do we never see any of his race results records. That’s the video I would like to see. And again an 8 year old video.
Hi Chris here in SA we get grapefruit seed axtract is this the same thing.thanx
It sounds like the only reason for using grape juice,is because of the sugars which are easily digested,so why not just use Glucose,or honey,which are also just as easy to digest,and don’t have the grape taste to shy the birds off the drinker.
A USA gallon, which presumably John is using, is approximately 3.8 litres. (A UK gallon approx 4.5 litres.)
We here in Australia go by litres of water how whould this work out here thank you
Paul S Fairweather
Sydney Australia